This is an archive of the speakup project's GIT HEAD snapped on the given day, and was used to build the speakup.s kernel. Grabbing Speakup's GIT repo (if you want the very latest) is done like this, by the way: git-clone To build the same kernel as Slackware included as speakup.s, you'll need to do this: Untar the speakup archive, and cd into the speakup directory: tar xf speakup-2008-03-19.tar.bz2 cd speakup Patch whatever kernel you happen to want to compile: ./install /usr/src/linux- Change to the kernel directory: cd /usr/src/linux- If you want to start with the defaults one of Slackware's kernels, you can do that like this: cat /boot/vmlinuz-huge-smp- > .config Or, better yet, if you have access to the Slackware tree use the Speakup .config that was used: cat (slacktree)/kernels/speakup.s/config > .config Then do any additional configuation to the kernel that you may require: make menuconfig After that, it's build and install: make make modules_install make bzImage cat arch/x86/boot/bzImage > /boot/vmlinuz-generic-smp- I put the -speakup on the end of the kernel name so that I can remember which kernel I've patched, but that part is entirely optional. The next step will be to edit add the new kernel's modules to an initrd if you use one (if you didn't build in the root filesystem or something like that you will need an initrd). See "man mkinitrd" for more details on the subject of making an initrd. Now just add the new kernel (and possibly the /boot/initrd.gz) to /etc/lilo.conf, run lilo as root, and you are ready to reboot. Make sure to use an append="speakup parameters" type line in /etc/lilo.conf to configure speakup to use the proper synth driver. You many also need to specify the serial port or other parameters. Note that with Speakup 3.x, the kernel parameter names have changed to contain dots rather than underscores. See the documentation included with speakup for a lot more essential information. Good luck! :-) Pat