# # Module configuration file for the GNOME Virtual File System. # # Syntax: # # ... : # bzip2: bzip2 cdda: cdda computer: computer file: file test: vfs-test ftp: ftp network: network nntp: nntp gzip ugzip: gzip http: http dav: http pipe: vfs-pipe #efs: vefs #nfs: nfs sftp: sftp ssh: ssh # The various access methods implemented by the extfs system. a ar arj cpio deb hp48 lha mailfs patchfs rar rpm rpms trpm zip zoo: extfs # vfolder desktop method applications: vfolder-desktop applications-all-users: vfolder-desktop all-applications: vfolder-desktop preferences: vfolder-desktop preferences-all-users: vfolder-desktop all-preferences: vfolder-desktop favorites: vfolder-desktop start-here: vfolder-desktop system-settings: vfolder-desktop server-settings: vfolder-desktop tar: tar