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The LessTif Homepage

LessTif is the Hungry Programmers' version of OSF/Motif®. It aims to be source compatible meaning that the same source code should compile with both and work exactly the same!
LessTif is "free software": it is licensed under the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL). You might also want to check out The Open Source Web for a little more information about the Open Source philosophy in general.

The current version of LessTif is 0.95.0 as of June 10, 2006. The code is available for download in various packages.

Latest News
We're moving the lesstif mailing list to SourceForge. Subscribers, please visit http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/lesstif-discuss to subscribe to the new list.
You can send messages to the list at lesstif-discuss - at - lists.sourceforge.net.
The daily snapshot is alive but marginally supported, please use anonymous CVS.
The mailing list archives work again. They didn't update for a number of months. The problem has been found and fixed, and all the 'missed' messages are online as well.
We're slowly moving towards the next official release (0.94.0?). Several known issues have been resolved, in particular XmText viewing problems in 0.93.34 have been solved in 0.93.36. Check out our Notes.
The software which runs our mailinglists have been updated. Check out the updated info how to (un)subscribe!
Download statistics are available on sourceforge.net, this is automatically provided by the SF software (look at the files section on the LessTif project pages).
We've started development on Motif and Dt printing API's. Read more about what they are, how to use them in your applications, which application demonstrates them, etc here.
Our home page on http://lesstif.sourceforge.net. is an automatic copy of files which are maintained in the CVS repository which also holds the sources.
Also we are testing a new version which uses frames to ease navigation. Don't miss to give it a try now!

Getting LessTif


Xlt and Xbae



LessTif on SourceForge.net
Feedback Last modified on $Date: 2006/06/10 09:33:45 $