/* $Id: test1.c,v 1.3 2002/01/16 00:48:04 dannybackx Exp $ */ #if 0 Article: 68453 of comp.windows.x.motif Message-ID: <3A15422D.986F04B@ist.co.uk> Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 14:35:25 +0000 From: Antony Fountain Reply-To: af@ist.co.uk Organization: Imperial Software Technology X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.75 [en] (X11; U; SunOS 5.6 sun4u) X-Accept-Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: comp.windows.x.motif To: kgandhi@my-deja.com Subject: Re: Colored Items in ScrolledList Widget References: <8updrj$a95$1@nnrp1.deja.com> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------AABEF9C00BE38D33C59E0864" NNTP-Posting-Host: isbalham.ist.co.uk X-Trace: 17 Nov 2000 14:34:40 GMT, isbalham.ist.co.uk Lines: 333 Path: news.tu-darmstadt.de!news.hrz.uni-kassel.de!news-fra1.dfn.de!news.tele.dk!!newsfeeds.belnet.be!news.belnet.be!psinet-eu-nl!psiuk-p4!uknet!psiuk-n!nnrp1.news.uk.psi.net!isbalham.ist.co.uk Xref: news.tu-darmstadt.de comp.windows.x.motif:68453 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------AABEF9C00BE38D33C59E0864 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit kgandhi@my-deja.com wrote: > I have been informed that Motif 2.0 and higher allows for different > colored items in a ScrolledList widget due to the fact that XmStrings > (of which items are created) allow colors. I have checked a Reference > Manual for Motif 2.1 and do not find any function to create XmStrings > with color arguments. How exactly does one code in a specific colored > item which is different than the XmNbackground and XmNforeground color > resource for a ScrolledList? > > Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/ > Before you buy. The way this works is as follows: You need to create a render table which has some renditions in it that have the XmNrenditionForeground/XmNrenditionBackground resources set. You then need to ensure that you wrap whatever segments you want colored in your compound string with XmSTRING_COMPONENT_RENDITION_BEGIN/ XmSTRING_COMPONENT_RENDITION_END segments such that the XmSTRING_COMPONENT_RENDITION_BEGIN tag matches the relevent rendition. XmStringGenerate will do this for you. Then apply the render table to the widget where you are drawing the compound strings (the list). Basic outline: Create a render table with a "red" rendition... XmRendition red_rendition; XmRendition renditions[MAX_RENDITIONS]; XmRenderTable table; Arg args[8]; Cardinal n, renditions_count = 0; Pixel red_pixel = ...; /* Whatever: XtConvertAndStore() ... */ n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNrenditionForeground, red_pixel); n++; ... /* Other rendition arguments */ red_rendition = XmRenditionCreate (some_widget, "red", args, n); renditions[renditions_count++] = red_rendition; /* Add any other renditions */ ... /* Create the render table using the renditions */ render_table = XmRenderTableAddRenditions (NULL, renditions, renditions_count, XmMERGE_NEW); /* Now create your compound strings... */ XmString red_segment = XmStringGenerate ((XtPointer) "This should be red", NULL, /* Or some segment tag */ XmCHARSET_TEXT, "red"); /* Must match the rendition tag */ /* Create rest of compound strings */ ... /* Apply the render table to the list */ XtVaSetValues (list, XmNrenderTable, render_table, NULL); I hope this is of some help. The above is sketchy. Enclosed is an example program which gives a multi-column, multi-font, multi-colored list widget using the Motif 2.1 render table/tablist routines. Yours faithfully, -- ************************************************************ Antony Fountain Principal Software Engineer Imperial Software Technology 120 Hawthorne Ave., Suite 101 252 Kings Road Palo Alto, CA 94301 Reading RG1 4HP U.K. Tel: (650) 688-0200 Tel: +44 118 958 7055 Fax: (650) 688-1054 Fax: +44 118 958 9005 af@ist.co.uk http://www.ist.co.uk/ ************************************************************ #endif /* rendered_list.c: illustrates all the features of ** render tables and renditions by creating a ** multi-column, multi-font, multi-color List widget. */ #include #include #include #include #include /* ConvertStringToPixel() ** A utility function to convert a color name to a Pixel */ Pixel ConvertStringToPixel (Widget widget, char *name) { XrmValue from_value, to_value; /* For resource conversion */ from_value.addr = name; from_value.size = strlen( name ) + 1; to_value.addr = NULL; XtConvertAndStore (widget, XmRString, &from_value, XmRPixel, &to_value); if (to_value.addr) { return (*((Pixel*) to_value.addr)) ; } return XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXEL ; } /* ** A convenient structure to hold the data ** for creating various renditions */ typedef struct RenditionData_s { char *tag; char *color; char *font; } RenditionData_t; #define MAX_COLUMNS 4 RenditionData_t rendition_data[MAX_COLUMNS] = { { "one", "red", "fixed" }, { "two", "green", "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--10-100-75-75-*-*-iso8859-1" }, { "three", "blue", "bembo-bold" }, { "four", "orange", "-adobe-*-medium-i-normal--24-240-75-75-*-*-iso8859-1" } }; /* ** Arbitrary data to display in the List */ static char *poem[] = { "Mary", "had a", "little", "lamb", "Its", "fleece", "was white", "as snow", "And", "everywhere that", "Mary", "went", "The", "lamb was", "sure", "to follow", (char *) 0 }; /* ** CreateListData(): routine to convert the ** poem into an array of compound strings */ XmStringTable CreateListData (int *count) { XmStringTable table = (XmStringTable) 0 ; int line = 0 ; int column = 0 ; int index = 0 ; XmString entry ; XmString row =NULL; XmString tmp =NULL; XmString tab; #if 0 tab = XmStringComponentCreate (XmSTRING_COMPONENT_TAB, NULL, 0); #endif tab = XmStringComponentCreate (XmSTRING_COMPONENT_TAB, 0, NULL); while (poem[index] != (char *) 0) { /* create a compound string, using the rendition tag */ entry = XmStringGenerate ((XtPointer) poem[index], NULL, XmCHARSET_TEXT, rendition_data[column].tag) ; if (row != (XmString)NULL) { tmp = XmStringConcat (row, tab) ; XmStringFree (row) ; row = XmStringConcatAndFree (tmp, entry) ; } else { row = entry ; } ++column ; if (column == MAX_COLUMNS) { if (table == (XmStringTable) 0) { table = (XmStringTable) XtMalloc((unsigned) 1 * sizeof (XmString)) ; } else { table = (XmStringTable) XtRealloc((char *) table, (unsigned) (line + 1) * sizeof (XmString)) ; } table[line++] = row ; row = (XmString) 0 ; column = 0 ; } index++ ; } XmStringFree (tab) ; table[line] = (XmString) 0 ; *count = line ; return table ; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { Widget toplevel, rowcol, list; XtAppContext app; Arg args[10]; XmTab tabs[MAX_COLUMNS]; XmTabList tablist; XmRendition renditions[MAX_COLUMNS]; XmRenderTable rendertable; XmStringTable xmstring_table; int xmstring_count; Pixel pixels[MAX_COLUMNS]; int n, i; XtSetLanguageProc (NULL, NULL, NULL); toplevel = XtVaOpenApplication (&app, "Demos", NULL, 0, &argc, argv, NULL, sessionShellWidgetClass, NULL); rowcol = XmCreateRowColumn (toplevel, "rowcol", NULL, 0) ; /* Create some colors */ for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_COLUMNS ; i++) { pixels[i] = ConvertStringToPixel (toplevel, rendition_data[i].color) ; } /* Create tab stops for columnar output */ for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_COLUMNS ; i++) { tabs[i] = XmTabCreate ((float) 1.5, XmINCHES, ((i == 0) ? XmABSOLUTE : XmRELATIVE), XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING, ".") ; } /* Create a tablist table which contains the tabs */ tablist = XmTabListInsertTabs (NULL, tabs, XtNumber (tabs), 0) ; /* Create some multi-font/color renditions, and use the tablist */ /* This will be inherited if we use it on the first rendition */ for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_COLUMNS ; i++) { n = 0 ; if (i == 0) { XtSetArg (args[n], XmNtabList, tablist); n++; } XtSetArg (args[n], XmNrenditionForeground, pixels[i]); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNfontName, rendition_data[i].font); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNfontType, XmFONT_IS_FONT); n++; renditions[i] = XmRenditionCreate (toplevel, rendition_data[i].tag, args, n); } /* Create the Render Table */ rendertable = XmRenderTableAddRenditions (NULL, renditions, XtNumber (renditions), XmMERGE_NEW) ; /* Create the multi-column data for the list */ xmstring_table = CreateListData (&xmstring_count) ; /* Create the List, using the render table */ n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNrenderTable, rendertable); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNitems, xmstring_table); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNitemCount, xmstring_count); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNwidth, 400); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNvisibleItemCount, xmstring_count + 1); n++; list = XmCreateScrolledList (rowcol, "list", args, n); XtManageChild (list); /* Free the memory now the widget has the data */ /* First, the compound strings */ for (i = 0 ; i < xmstring_count ; i++) XmStringFree (xmstring_table[i]) ; XtFree((char *) xmstring_table) ; /* Secondly, the XmTab objects */ for ( i = 0 ; i < XtNumber (tabs) ; i++) XmTabFree (tabs[i]); /* Thirdly, the XmTabList object */ XmTabListFree (tablist) ; /* Fourthly, the XmRendition objects */ for (i = 0 ; i < XtNumber (renditions) ; i++) XmRenditionFree (renditions[i]) ; /* Lastly, the XmRenderTable object */ XmRenderTableFree (rendertable) ; XtManageChild (rowcol); XtRealizeWidget (toplevel); #if 1 LessTifTestMainLoop(toplevel); #else XtAppMainLoop (app); #endif exit(0); /* avoid compiler warnings */ }