/* $Id: test10.c,v 1.9 2001/05/15 14:08:34 amai Exp $ */ /* * Demonstrate difference between motif and lesstif handling of callbacks * in message box pushbuttons. * * Note, this code was ripped out of a larger program, and as such the * integer returned by GXDialog is no longer meaningful. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../common/Test.h" Widget toplevel, box, push; XtAppContext app_context; int DialogDone=False,DialogReturn; static void DialogCB(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { DialogDone=True; DialogReturn=1; } Widget CreateDialog(Widget parent, char *msg, char *deft, char **buttons, int buttcnt, XtCallbackProc dialogCB, int DialType) /*- this routine merely creates a dialog, it dosn't manage it, or wait for a response. Note: these dialogs are NOT auto-unmanaging. parent: The parent of the dialog. msg: message for the dialog to display. deft: the default return string for prompt dialogs. buttons: array of null-terminated button names. the first one is the default button. buttcnt: the number of elements in buttons. dialogCB: a callback that is to be called when any button is pressed. the button number is passed to the routine as client_data. -1 is passed for the to dialogCB if the cancelCallback of the dialog is invoked. DialType: one of XmDIALOG_ERROR, XmDIALOG_WARNING, XmDIALOG_MESSAGE, XmDIALOG_QUESTION, XmDIALOG_WORKING. -*/ { Arg args[10]; XmString xmstr[5], xmstr2; Widget dial, button, w, DefaultButton; int i, n; /* make the dialog box */ n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNautoUnmanage, FALSE); n++; dial = XmCreateMessageDialog(parent, "GXDialog", args, n); xmstr[0] = XmStringCreateLtoR(msg, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG); if (deft) xmstr[1] = XmStringCreateLtoR(deft, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG); else xmstr[1] = XmStringCreateLtoR("\0", XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG); xmstr[2] = XmStringCreateLtoR("test10", XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG); /* create buttons */ DefaultButton = NULL; for (i = 0; i < buttcnt; i++) { n = 0; xmstr2 = XmStringCreateLtoR(buttons[i], XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG); XtSetArg(args[n], XmNlabelString, xmstr2); n++; button = XmCreatePushButton(dial, "button", args, n); XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc) dialogCB, (XtPointer) i); XtManageChild(button); if (!DefaultButton) DefaultButton = button; XmStringFree(xmstr2); } XtVaSetValues(dial, XmNmessageString, xmstr[0], XmNdialogType, DialType, XmNdialogTitle, xmstr[2], XmNdefaultButton, DefaultButton, NULL); if (dialogCB) XtAddCallback(dial, XmNcancelCallback, (XtCallbackProc) dialogCB, (XtPointer) - 1); /* unmanage default buttons */ w=XmMessageBoxGetChild(dial, XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON); if (w) XtUnmanageChild(w); w=XmMessageBoxGetChild(dial, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON); if (w) XtUnmanageChild(w); w=XmMessageBoxGetChild(dial, XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON); if (w) { printf("Destroying cancel button %p\n",w); XtDestroyWidget(w); } XtManageChild(dial); XmStringFree(xmstr[0]); XmStringFree(xmstr[1]); XmStringFree(xmstr[2]); return (dial); } int GXDialog(Widget parent, char *msg, char *deft, char *buttons[], int buttcnt, int DialType) /*- create and display a dialog, and wait for a response. Implements its own event loop and does not return until there's a response or cancel. -*/ { Widget dial, DefaultButton; DialogDone = FALSE; dial = CreateDialog(parent, msg, deft, buttons, buttcnt, (XtCallbackProc)DialogCB, DialType); /* display the dialog & wait for answer */ /* moving the pointer to the window and back */ { Window root, child; int root_x, root_y; int win_x, win_y; Dimension x, y, width, height; unsigned int mask; XQueryPointer(XtDisplay(toplevel), XtWindow(toplevel), &root, &child, &root_x, &root_y, &win_x, &win_y, &mask); XtVaGetValues(dial, XmNdefaultButton, &DefaultButton, NULL); if (DefaultButton) { XtVaGetValues(DefaultButton, XmNwidth, &width, XmNheight, &height, XmNx, &x, XmNy, &y, NULL); XWarpPointer(XtDisplay(toplevel), 0, XtWindow(dial), 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y); #if 0 while (DialogDone == FALSE) { static XEvent event; /* XtAppProcessEvent(app_context, XtIMAll); */ XtAppNextEvent(app_context, &event); XtDispatchEvent(&event); } #endif XWarpPointer(XtDisplay(toplevel), 0, XtWindow(toplevel), 0, 0, 0, 0, win_x, win_y); } /* XtDestroyWidget(dial); */ { static XtWidgetGeometry Expected[] = { CWWidth | CWHeight , 6, 52, 294, 111, 0,0,0, /* GXDialog */ CWWidth | CWHeight | CWX | CWY, 11, 11, 31, 26, 0,0,0, /* Symbol */ CWWidth | CWHeight | CWX | CWY, 52, 15, 230, 17, 0,0,0, /* Message */ CWWidth | CWHeight | CWX | CWY, 0, 47, 294, 2, 0,0,0, /* Separator */ CWWidth | CWHeight | CWX | CWY, 11, 59, 136, 41, 0,0,0, /* button */ CWWidth | CWHeight | CWX | CWY, 147, 59, 136, 41, 0,0,0, /* button */ }; /* toplevel should be replaced with to correct applicationShell */ PrintDetails(dial, Expected); } return (DialogReturn); } } #define GXQuestion(a,b,c,d) GXDialog(a,b,NULL,c,d,XmDIALOG_QUESTION) void Push(Widget w, XtPointer client, XtPointer call) { static char *buttons[] = {"I'd rather be dead", "Are you stoned"}; static char *buttons2[] = {""}; GXQuestion(toplevel, "Do you want to install windows?", buttons, 2); return; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { toplevel = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_context, "listTest", NULL, 0, &argc, argv, NULL, NULL); push = XmCreatePushButton(toplevel, "push", NULL, 0); XtVaSetValues(push, XtVaTypedArg, XmNlabelString, XtRString, "Push me !", 9, NULL); XtAddCallback(push, XmNactivateCallback, Push, box); XtManageChild(push); XtRealizeWidget(toplevel); LessTifTestWaitForIt(toplevel); LessTifTestPushButton(push); LessTifTestMainLoop(toplevel); XtAppMainLoop(app_context); exit(0); }