Basic File Operations

Basic File Operations —


enum        GnomeVFSOpenMode;
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_create             (GnomeVFSHandle **handle,
                                             const gchar *text_uri,
                                             GnomeVFSOpenMode open_mode,
                                             gboolean exclusive,
                                             guint perm);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_create_uri         (GnomeVFSHandle **handle,
                                             GnomeVFSURI *uri,
                                             GnomeVFSOpenMode open_mode,
                                             gboolean exclusive,
                                             guint perm);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_open               (GnomeVFSHandle **handle,
                                             const gchar *text_uri,
                                             GnomeVFSOpenMode open_mode);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_open_uri           (GnomeVFSHandle **handle,
                                             GnomeVFSURI *uri,
                                             GnomeVFSOpenMode open_mode);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_close              (GnomeVFSHandle *handle);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_unlink             (const gchar *text_uri);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_unlink_from_uri    (GnomeVFSURI *uri);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_move_uri           (GnomeVFSURI *old_uri,
                                             GnomeVFSURI *new_uri,
                                             gboolean force_replace);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_move               (const gchar *old_text_uri,
                                             const gchar *new_text_uri,
                                             gboolean force_replace);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_check_same_fs_uris (GnomeVFSURI *source_uri,
                                             GnomeVFSURI *target_uri,
                                             gboolean *same_fs_return);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_check_same_fs      (const gchar *source,
                                             const gchar *target,
                                             gboolean *same_fs_return);
gboolean    gnome_vfs_uri_exists            (GnomeVFSURI *uri);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_create_symbolic_link
                                            (GnomeVFSURI *uri,
                                             const gchar *target_reference);



enum GnomeVFSOpenMode

typedef enum {
        GNOME_VFS_OPEN_NONE = 0,
        GNOME_VFS_OPEN_READ = 1 << 0,
        GNOME_VFS_OPEN_WRITE = 1 << 1,
        GNOME_VFS_OPEN_RANDOM = 1 << 2
} GnomeVFSOpenMode;

Mode in which files are opened. If GNOME_VFS_OPEN_RANDOM is not used, the file will be have to be accessed sequentially.

gnome_vfs_create ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_create             (GnomeVFSHandle **handle,
                                             const gchar *text_uri,
                                             GnomeVFSOpenMode open_mode,
                                             gboolean exclusive,
                                             guint perm);

Create uri according to mode open_mode. On return, handle will then contain a pointer to a handle for the open file.

handle : A pointer to a pointer to a GnomeVFSHandle object
text_uri : String representing the URI to create
open_mode : mode to leave the file opened in after creation (or GNOME_VFS_OPEN_MODE_NONE to leave the file closed after creation)
exclusive : Whether the file should be created in "exclusive" mode: i.e. if this flag is nonzero, operation will fail if a file with the same name already exists.
perm : Bitmap representing the permissions for the newly created file (Unix style).
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation

gnome_vfs_create_uri ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_create_uri         (GnomeVFSHandle **handle,
                                             GnomeVFSURI *uri,
                                             GnomeVFSOpenMode open_mode,
                                             gboolean exclusive,
                                             guint perm);

Create uri according to mode open_mode. On return, handle will then contain a pointer to a handle for the open file.

handle : A pointer to a pointer to a GnomeVFSHandle object
uri : URI for the file to create
open_mode : Open mode
exclusive : Whether the file should be created in "exclusive" mode: i.e. if this flag is nonzero, operation will fail if a file with the same name already exists.
perm : Bitmap representing the permissions for the newly created file (Unix style).
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation

gnome_vfs_open ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_open               (GnomeVFSHandle **handle,
                                             const gchar *text_uri,
                                             GnomeVFSOpenMode open_mode);

Open text_uri according to mode open_mode. On return, handle will then contain a pointer to a handle for the open file.

handle : A pointer to a pointer to a GnomeVFSHandle object
text_uri : String representing the URI to open
open_mode : Open mode
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation

gnome_vfs_open_uri ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_open_uri           (GnomeVFSHandle **handle,
                                             GnomeVFSURI *uri,
                                             GnomeVFSOpenMode open_mode);

Open uri according to mode open_mode. On return, handle will then contain a pointer to a handle for the open file.

handle : A pointer to a pointer to a GnomeVFSHandle object
uri : URI to open
open_mode : Open mode
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation

gnome_vfs_close ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_close              (GnomeVFSHandle *handle);

Close file associated with handle.

handle : A pointer to a GnomeVFSHandle object
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation.

gnome_vfs_unlink ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_unlink             (const gchar *text_uri);

Unlink text_uri (i.e. delete the file).

text_uri : URI of the file to be unlinked
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation

gnome_vfs_unlink_from_uri ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_unlink_from_uri    (GnomeVFSURI *uri);

Unlink uri (i.e. delete the file).

uri : URI of the file to be unlinked
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation

gnome_vfs_move_uri ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_move_uri           (GnomeVFSURI *old_uri,
                                             GnomeVFSURI *new_uri,
                                             gboolean force_replace);

Move a file from URI old_uri to new_uri. This will only work if old_uri and new_uri are on the same file system. Otherwise, it is necessary to use the more general %gnome_vfs_xfer_uri() function.

old_uri : Source URI
new_uri : Destination URI
force_replace : If TRUE, move target to new_uri even if there is already a file at new_uri. If there is a file, it will be discarded.
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation.

gnome_vfs_move ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_move               (const gchar *old_text_uri,
                                             const gchar *new_text_uri,
                                             gboolean force_replace);

Move a file from URI old_text_uri to new_text_uri. This will only work if old_text_uri and new_text_uri are on the same file system. Otherwise, it is necessary to use the more general %gnome_vfs_xfer_uri() function.

old_text_uri : Source URI
new_text_uri : Destination URI
force_replace : if TRUE, perform the operation even if it unlinks an existing file at new_text_uri
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation.

gnome_vfs_check_same_fs_uris ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_check_same_fs_uris (GnomeVFSURI *source_uri,
                                             GnomeVFSURI *target_uri,
                                             gboolean *same_fs_return);

Check if source_uri and target_uri are on the same file system.

source_uri : A URI
target_uri : Another URI
same_fs_return : Pointer to a boolean variable which will be set to TRUE if source_uri and target_uri are on the same file system on return.
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation.

gnome_vfs_check_same_fs ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_check_same_fs      (const gchar *source,
                                             const gchar *target,
                                             gboolean *same_fs_return);

Return TRUE if source and target are on the same file system.

source : A URI
target : Another URI
same_fs_return : Pointer to a boolean variable which will be set to TRUE
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation.

gnome_vfs_uri_exists ()

gboolean    gnome_vfs_uri_exists            (GnomeVFSURI *uri);

Check if the URI points to an existing entity.

uri : A URI
Returns : TRUE if URI exists.

gnome_vfs_create_symbolic_link ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_create_symbolic_link
                                            (GnomeVFSURI *uri,
                                             const gchar *target_reference);

Creates a symbolic link, or eventually, a URI link (as necessary) at uri pointing to target_reference

uri : URI to create a link at
target_reference : URI "reference" to point the link to (URI or relative path)
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation