
gnome-vfs-utils — various utilities functions to manipulate uris


char*       gnome_vfs_format_file_size_for_display
                                            (GnomeVFSFileSize size);
char*       gnome_vfs_escape_string         (const char *string);
char*       gnome_vfs_escape_path_string    (const char *path);
char*       gnome_vfs_escape_host_and_path_string
                                            (const char *path);
char*       gnome_vfs_escape_slashes        (const char *string);
char*       gnome_vfs_escape_set            (const char *string,
                                             const char *match_set);
char*       gnome_vfs_unescape_string       (const char *escaped_string,
                                             const char *illegal_characters);
char*       gnome_vfs_make_uri_canonical    (const char *uri);
char*       gnome_vfs_make_path_name_canonical
                                            (const char *path);
char*       gnome_vfs_expand_initial_tilde  (const char *path);
char*       gnome_vfs_unescape_string_for_display
                                            (const char *escaped);
char*       gnome_vfs_get_local_path_from_uri
                                            (const char *uri);
char*       gnome_vfs_get_uri_from_local_path
                                            (const char *local_full_path);
gboolean    gnome_vfs_is_executable_command_string
                                            (const char *command_string);
void        gnome_vfs_list_deep_free        (GList *list);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_get_volume_free_space
                                            (const GnomeVFSURI *vfs_uri,
                                             GnomeVFSFileSize *size);
char*       gnome_vfs_icon_path_from_filename
                                            (const char *filename);
gboolean    gnome_vfs_is_primary_thread     (void);
char*       gnome_vfs_get_uri_scheme        (const char *uri);
gboolean    gnome_vfs_uris_match            (const char *uri_1,
                                             const char *uri_2);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_read_entire_file   (const char *uri,
                                             int *file_size,
                                             char **file_contents);



gnome_vfs_format_file_size_for_display ()

char*       gnome_vfs_format_file_size_for_display
                                            (GnomeVFSFileSize size);

Formats the file size passed in bytes in a way that is easy for the user to read. Gives the size in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes, choosing whatever is appropriate.

size :
Returns : a newly allocated string with the size ready to be shown.

gnome_vfs_escape_string ()

char*       gnome_vfs_escape_string         (const char *string);

Escapes string, replacing any and all special characters with equivalent escape sequences.

string : string to be escaped
Returns : a newly allocated string equivalent to string but with all special characters escaped

gnome_vfs_escape_path_string ()

char*       gnome_vfs_escape_path_string    (const char *path);

Escapes path, replacing only special characters that would not be found in paths (so '/', '&', '=', and '?' will not be escaped by this function).

path : string to be escaped
Returns : a newly allocated string equivalent to path but with non-path characters escaped

gnome_vfs_escape_host_and_path_string ()

char*       gnome_vfs_escape_host_and_path_string
                                            (const char *path);

Escapes path, replacing only special characters that would not be found in paths or host name (so '/', '&', '=', ':', '@' and '?' will not be escaped by this function).

path : string to be escaped
Returns : a newly allocated string equivalent to path but with non-path/host characters escaped

gnome_vfs_escape_slashes ()

char*       gnome_vfs_escape_slashes        (const char *string);

Escapes only '/' and '%' characters in string, replacing them with their escape sequence equivalents.

string : string to be escaped
Returns : a newly allocated string equivalent to string, but with no unescaped '/' or '%' characters

gnome_vfs_escape_set ()

char*       gnome_vfs_escape_set            (const char *string,
                                             const char *match_set);

string :
match_set :
Returns :

gnome_vfs_unescape_string ()

char*       gnome_vfs_unescape_string       (const char *escaped_string,
                                             const char *illegal_characters);

Decodes escaped characters (i.e. PERCENTxx sequences) in escaped_string. Characters are encoded in PERCENTxy form, where xy is the ASCII hex code for character 16x+y.

escaped_string : an escaped URI, path, or other string
illegal_characters : a string containing a sequence of characters considered "illegal", '\0' is automatically in this list.
Returns : a newly allocated string with the unescaped equivalents, or NULL if escaped_string contained one of the characters in illegal_characters.

gnome_vfs_make_uri_canonical ()

char*       gnome_vfs_make_uri_canonical    (const char *uri);

Standarizes the format of the uri being passed, so that it can be used later in other functions that expect a canonical URI.

uri : and absolute or relative URI, it might have scheme.
Returns : a newly allocated string that contains the canonical representation of uri.

Since 2.2

gnome_vfs_make_path_name_canonical ()

char*       gnome_vfs_make_path_name_canonical
                                            (const char *path);

Calls _gnome_vfs_canonicalize_pathname, allocating storage for the result and providing for a cleaner memory management.

path : a file path, relative or absolute
Returns : a canonical version of path

gnome_vfs_expand_initial_tilde ()

char*       gnome_vfs_expand_initial_tilde  (const char *path);

If path starts with a ~, representing the user's home directory, expand it to the actual path location.

path : a local file path which may start with a '~'
Returns : a newly allocated string with the initial tilde (if there was one) converted to an actual path

gnome_vfs_unescape_string_for_display ()

char*       gnome_vfs_unescape_string_for_display
                                            (const char *escaped);

escaped :
Returns :

gnome_vfs_get_local_path_from_uri ()

char*       gnome_vfs_get_local_path_from_uri
                                            (const char *uri);

Create a local path for a file:/// URI. Do not use with URIs of other methods.

uri : URI to convert to a local path
Returns : a newly allocated string containing the local path NULL is returned on error or if the uri isn't a file: URI without a fragment identifier (or chained URI).

gnome_vfs_get_uri_from_local_path ()

char*       gnome_vfs_get_uri_from_local_path
                                            (const char *local_full_path);

Returns a file:/// URI for the local path local_full_path.

local_full_path : a full local filesystem path (i.e. not relative)
Returns : a newly allocated string containing the URI corresponding to local_full_path (NULL for some bad errors).

gnome_vfs_is_executable_command_string ()

gboolean    gnome_vfs_is_executable_command_string
                                            (const char *command_string);

Checks if command_string starts with the full path of an executable file or an executable in $PATH.

command_string :
Returns : TRUE if command_string started with and executable file, FALSE otherwise.

gnome_vfs_list_deep_free ()

void        gnome_vfs_list_deep_free        (GList *list);

Free list, and call g_free() on all data members.

list : list to be freed

gnome_vfs_get_volume_free_space ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_get_volume_free_space
                                            (const GnomeVFSURI *vfs_uri,
                                             GnomeVFSFileSize *size);

Stores in size the amount of free space on a volume. This only works for URIs with the file: scheme.

vfs_uri :
size :
Returns : GNOME_VFS_OK on success, otherwise an error code

gnome_vfs_icon_path_from_filename ()

char*       gnome_vfs_icon_path_from_filename
                                            (const char *filename);

filename :
Returns :

gnome_vfs_is_primary_thread ()

gboolean    gnome_vfs_is_primary_thread     (void);

Check if the current thread is the thread with the main glib event loop.

Returns : TRUE if the current thread is the thread with the main glib event loop

gnome_vfs_get_uri_scheme ()

char*       gnome_vfs_get_uri_scheme        (const char *uri);

Retrieve the scheme used in uri

uri : a stringified URI
Returns : A newly allocated string containing the scheme, NULL if uri it doesn't seem to contain a scheme

Since 2.2

gnome_vfs_uris_match ()

gboolean    gnome_vfs_uris_match            (const char *uri_1,
                                             const char *uri_2);

Compare two URIs.

uri_1 : stringified URI to compare with uri_2.
uri_2 : stringified URI to compare with uri_1.
Returns : TRUE if they are the same, FALSE otherwise.

Since 2.2


#define GNOME_VFS_ASSERT_PRIMARY_THREAD g_assert (gnome_vfs_is_primary_thread())

Asserts that the current thread is the thread with the main glib event loop


#define GNOME_VFS_ASSERT_SECONDARY_THREAD g_assert (!gnome_vfs_is_primary_thread())

Asserts that the current thread is NOT the thread with the main glib event loop

gnome_vfs_read_entire_file ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_read_entire_file   (const char *uri,
                                             int *file_size,
                                             char **file_contents);

Reads an entire file into memory for convenience. Beware accidentally loading large files into memory with this function.

uri : URI of the file to read
file_size : after reading the file, contains the size of the file read
file_contents : contains the file_size bytes, the contents of the file at uri.
Returns : An integer representing the result of the operation

Since 2.2